Car Accident Lawyers Serving the New Milford, CT Community

In the aftermath of a car accident, there’s so much more to worry about than simply having a damaged car that needs to be fixed. You may have injuries from your accident that will take a long time to recover from. You may be facing criminal charges related to your role in the accident. You may not know how to pay for all the expenses related to the accident.
The best thing you can do when you have the chance after a car accident is to call a car accident lawyer for help dealing with the consequences of your accident. McCarthy And Taylor, LLP is the car accident lawyer to trust in New Milford, CT to help you navigate the aftermath of your accident. We can prove the accident was not your responsibility and help you claim the monetary compensation you’re entitled to as you move on from the accident.
Hire Our Attorneys After Your Accident
The personal injury lawyers at McCarthy And Taylor, LLP would be happy to help you plan for what’s next after a car accident. If you’re facing criminal charges or want to pursue the legal compensation you believe you deserve, you can count on the experience and expertise of McCarthy And Taylor, LLP. We have spent years arguing car accident cases in court, helping to defend the rights of our clients and earn financial compensation to pay for their medical expenses and accident repairs. McCarthy And Taylor, LLP is an expert DUI lawyer who can defend your rights if your car accident involves DUI charges. If time is of the essence and representation is urgent, you can contact our office after hours for immediate help.
With McCarthy And Taylor, LLP, you get the best expertise in New Milford, CT when it comes to car accident cases. We would be happy to be by your side to give you both peace of mind and knowledgeable representation during your car accident case. The representation of McCarthy And Taylor, LLP can help ensure a successful outcome with your case. Our car accident lawyer can keep you out of jail, secure the money you need to recover from injuries or repair accident damage, and help you move on from a difficult time in your life.
If you’ve been in a car accident, call McCarthy And Taylor, LLP to handle your case.